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How to Use the Power of Expectation
to Create the Life You Want
by Larry Armstead II
You are already an expert on expectation. Want me to prove it? You’re reading this with the expectation that what you’re reading is a synopsis of a book. Setting an expectation is something you do on both a conscious and subconscious level multiple times every single day. Expectation is interwoven into your day life and brings about results that you have the power to influence.
Your expectations can be positive, filling you to overflowing with positive energy or they can be negative, weighing you down with anxiety, frustration, and despair. They can empower you to strive to reach heights beyond your wildest imagination! They can also be so dense that you’re caught in a seemingly never-ending ocean of dissatisfaction and unhappiness.
Where’s My Pizza? Strives to teach you how to identify expectation and its spectrum and how to leverage the power of expectation to work to your advantage so you can begin creating the life you’ve always desired! You will learn why in life you don’t get what you want, but what you expect.
There is definitely work to do and a lot of new ideas to grasp. By the end of this book, you will be well on your way to mastering expectation (and its brother expanticipationTM) and fully understand how to deploy the power therein into all areas of your life.
Testimonials & Reviews
Michelle C.
“”Larry helped show me the power of expectation by making me realize that I wasn’t using it to get closer to my desires but I actually was using it to keep myself stuck where I was. By using the principles he outlined, I realized I was hoping my desires would come but not expecting them. As soon as I shifted my expectation I went from not having a vehicle for 2 years to manifesting a car within a month of us setting the expectation. Larry has been a God send!!”
Jomara Rogers
“Within this inspiring compelling read, author Larry Armstead II exposed readers to a methodical approach for getting what you deserve in life. He didn’t fill this read with elongated details and anecdotes. It was apropos, candid, and obtained useful activities one may incorporate into their lives to thrive accordingly. The method explained was an “aha” moment for me, and after the breakdown of his message everything made logical sense. I personally found his method applicable because I use it everyday, but for my daughter. The realization of knowing this method work is because we see how it effectively works for our daughter and the absolute benefits redeemed.”
Paula Boenigk
“This is a wonderful text of reflective honest writing. The author bravely shares himself in hopes of others learning to live a better life.”