Good day, friend!

What if I told you the ability to create the life you want depends solely on you and the things you expect?

I coined the term expanticipation to refer to the complete confidence, reliance, and manifestation of the positive, opposite, I Am attribute that cannot be dissuaded.  It is the intersection where expectation meets and merges with anticipation. When you expanticipate, you have the divine ability to see the end of something at the beginning, and thus you always act from a place of starting with the end in mind.

What you expect about your future right now is largely shaped and influenced by your past–we are predisposed to focusing on past so much so that our minds are preoccupied with past thoughts so much that we do not see things as they truly are now.

Expanticipation all starts with you thinking a simple thought: despite what I may sense or feel physically, I Am something different. Despite my current circumstances, I Am has a different perspective: because I Am of God, I can choose a different reality based on what I say and think. No matter how many times the ego comes back and says, “but that’s not reality or what I feel or supported by science,” you can think, “Thank you for sharing, but I Am. . . .”

I look at the I Am that God proclaimed to Moses after he asked who he was (“I Am that I Am’) as improperly punctuated. Instead of I Am That I Am, I always read it as, I Am That! I Am! It becomes almost a formula: I Am Depressed! I Am! The Creative Force of I Am will ensure that if you substitute something for your That, it will come to pass!

The power of expectation and expanticipation works when we are in alignment with our natural energetic vibration and coming from a place of love and not ego or malice.

Friend, whether you feel stuck, unsure of what you want, in the throes of a difficult life situation, feeling indecisive or incomplete, unhappy in your relationships and friendships, or feel like fear has got you in bind, expanticipation can completely help transform your life!

Monthly Mantras is our 100% FREE monthly email e-course that will help transform your life using the power of expanticipation